– Ganz gleich, welches Hindernis sich einem entgegenstellt, man kann es immer überwinden.
– Um Erfolg zu haben, braucht man oft nur eine einzige Chance. Und die richtige Einstellung, und die richtige Kleiderwahl.
– Ikonen sind Dinge, die nicht verändert werden müssen, weil die schon perfekt sind.
– Rückbesinnung auf Qualität, dieser Schritt ist nicht nur wohltuend sondern nachhaltig und zukunftsweisend. Zeichen einer starken Persönlichkeit.
– Heutzutage gibt es kein alter mehr, modischen Vorstellungen sind gar nicht so unterschiedlich. Ein und dasselbe Kleidungsstück wird von Frauen unterschiedlicher Generationen getragen.
– Manche Menschen verwechseln das Leben mit einem Film, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat & Co – Tragisch.
– von Sidney bis Paris, London über Berlin, Düsseldorf nach New York, mit einer kurzen Halt in San Francisco – Reisen, einfach nur schön.
– Sehr stark sind wir immer dann, wenn wir uns auf unsere ureigenen Qualitäten konzentrieren.
– Nirgendwo gibt es eine solche Vielfalt an Lebewesen wie in den Ozeanen und der Mensch macht alles kaputt.
– Wer möchtest du sein? Bist du der Mensch, der du bist aufgrund deiner Erziehung oder deiner Gene?
– Begeistert in unterschiedlichen Rollen schlüpfen aber wer möchte sich ständig verkleidet fühlen. Da würde die eigene Individualität fehlen.
– Wenn wir uns in fünf Jahren wieder treffen, wirst du mich nicht wiederkennen.
– Wenn du bedingungslos glücklich bist, fühlst du dich wie in einer überdimensionale Schatzkiste.
– Wearing that T-Shirt was the only time, i ever expressed exactly how i was feel.
– Talking about things is so important.
– Being uncool, can be the coolest thing you can do sometimes.
– Good basics never go out of style.
– They are such good quality and so well cut, whenever i wear one, people ask where it’s from.
– My style is what i’ll describe as low-key and classic, well simple.
– My mistakes have made me worldly and strong.
– Know how to switch off and chill the hell out.
– When you get home after a long day and spread yourself across that sofa. Ask yourself if you feel happy. Because at the end, that’s the only thing that matters. It all comes down to that bit.
– Keeping things simple, should be your daily goal.
– Focus on your happiness than on your success
– I guess i’ve always felt like i have something to prove.
– How do you feel during your downtime. Can you assess yourself in the downtime?
– Meet for brunch and have sex in the afternoon. A quickie perhaps, can be the difference between amazing sex and no sex.
– Keep things minimal for a look that is extra sleek.
– It may not be something you often think about…but it’s all about magic.
– If i decide to go vegan, what are my first steps.
– Half angel, half demon and a rebel at heart.
– When your art is corrupted by hype, it’s a problem. Doing something just to be cool, is not cool.
– I am a slave to a passion. Work is one of my great pleasures.
– A passion for fashion begins with a love for fabric and colors.
– Style is a language of infinite possibilities capable of expressing our thoughts.
– Sewing is a muscle that needs to be given a serious workout.
– Happy people don’t have a story to tell. Tales of woe are more compelling.
– Love isn’t the most important thing in the world. Money and power are.
– To me, love without compassion and emotion is just like a plain white T-shirt.
– How is it possible that we are given, life, love, this wonderful world only to have it taken back from each of us. I’m not afraid of death, just worried not to have lived right.
– Critics can break, tear you down. Constructive criticism can help build you up as an artist. But, when it’s gratuitous, it is literally a vicious cancer.
– I have faith in my work. I believe in what i do. Taking my shortcomings and using them to my advantage.
– Fashion – Once you’ve entered her circle, there is no way out. You are under her spell.
– First off, i need the fabric. If i like it, the design comes naturally. Unless it’s a classic piece.
– Not everyone can afford to show their individuality. But to me that’s all what style is about.
– Why are we so fun of luxury, glamour. Well, you want to stand out. You are something better that the other…them versus us. You want to be part of them. And then you feel happy and need more, till it destroys you.
– I’m an individual who decided to take his art and make a living off of it. Being ready to loose everything to gain a bit of creative freedom.