The freedom of making my own mistakes

It took over 2 years before i could make any samples of mine. You can have a lot of ideas in your head, but when you actually make a sample it’s like: Hmmm, that’s nothing like I visualized!!!


You can pull out art, you can look through magazines and books. But in order to get to the sample stage, I needed a direction of what I wanted. Trough trials and lot of fails, learning by doing, i gained some design experience, mastering construction skills and using industrial sewing machines, especially vintage ones! Took a lot to get the right fabrics, fit and details. It took over 4 years until i finally got the samples right to be ready for this Project. In total, we have about 20 styles, all limited from 5 to maximum 30 items depending on the fabric amount. In one size fits all, unisex, modern and classic designs and fit.

Starting a business is a really challenging thing, rewarding in a way but not financially in the beginning, where i still am. Difficult thing all the way, difficult and lonely. And so you have to find the right team of people, and I don’t mean that in a corporate way. I mean a team of people that you trust and feed off of when it comes to ideas. And that, to me, is critical, will make or break the whole enterprise.

So i take it one day at a time, and create clothing that people like to wear, that i like to wear. It’s a daily challenge, if you’re starting a business, you just have to make sure you’re gonna enjoy it.